In Japan Proposal for real estate utilization

The Japan Asset Association makes proposals for the utilization of real estate in Japan.

We can handle various projects such as general land sales, utilization of commercial real estate, and support for establishing a corporation in Japan.

To be correct, I think we can help those who are considering the use of real estate, where it is easy to earn unearned income and the asset value does not fluctuate in a situation where financial assets are a burden.

Please contact us from our website for inquiries and consultations.


はじめてのお家づくりで、お困りの方の身近な相談相手です。 住宅ローン、会社選び等、お家づくりに関する事なら、お気軽にご相談ください。 年収にご不安がある方、シングルマザーの方、転職したばかりの方、マイカーローンがある方等、住宅ローンでお困りの方、お気軽にご相談ください。


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